Making Your Old Equipment Work Like New Again
You may be pretty upset when your old equipment like a golf cart or generator is down for the count. If you are afraid of the replacement costs, you are far from the only one who has been down that road. The solution is to make your equipment like new again, instead of replacing it with an actual new vehicle. So how do you make your old clunker purr like new again? By repowering the engine, of course.
When it comes to small engines, the work that it takes to handle the repairs is sometimes not even worth the cost of trying, and finding an experienced and reliable mechanic to work on your small engines can be a difficult challenge. Replacing the engines yourself could seem like more trouble than it is worth, and time consuming to boot. That’s where easy to use repowering kits come in.
These kits will breathe new life into your old gas powered engines by allowing you to replace them instead of needing to deal with the expense of replacing the entire vehicle. There are some things that a newer electric engine just cannot handle. When the gas powered engines in your fleet start to fade, it is time to install a repower kit and hit the green with a renewed vehicle beneath you.
These engine kits by companies like Honda and Kohler can save you money in the long run, too. They run better, requiring less maintenance, are more efficient than the original engines, and can use cleaner burning fuel as well. A two year warranty enforces the promise that your newly repowered vehicles will be up and running for the long term.
The government is behind the repowering idea as well, often offering incentives such and grants to repower a high emissions vehicle to make it more environmentally friendly. These incentives vary by state, so check your home state to find out if you can apply for a grant that will pay for you to refit your engine to lower emissions or even pay for you to repower your current engines. Everyone wins when your repowered vehicles work better and cheaper for you, and cause less of a negative impact on the environment.
Once you have your golf cart engines replaced and running smooth, turn your attention to your greens keeping equipment for a total refit and make your entire operation run that much nicer. Repowering the engines on old equipment will save you the cost of replacing that equipment over time, and will add a new life and kick to old equipment that you might have thought was on the verge of retirement. You will realize otherwise when you see what the simple change of a repowered engine can do!
Thanks to repowered engines, maintenance has also become a snap. These engines are much easier to find parts for than old, outdated engines that are no longer even manufactured, and the maintenance was designed to be easier than ever with these incredible motors. Everything you need is easily accessible, and you will find yourself wondering how you ever managed with the old, confusing engine designs that were originally installed.
With all of these wonderful benefits, it is easy to see how repowering the engines on your gas powered golf carts, utility vehicles, and even greens keeping equipment is by far to your benefit. Not only will you save a great deal on money on repairs and replacements as your old engines begin to go, you will also enjoy the ease of maintenance that allows you to do the work yourself with little to no extra training or effort. The environment will thank you, too, since repowering is the best solution for Mother Nature as well.
-Ben Anton, 2007 Up to date on all the latest Repower info ---> Order a Repower Small Engine Kit